Family Circle




Family Circle Advancement
Author: Unknown Scouter


Cubmaster, Bobcat candidates and parents, all Cub Scouts and parents.

Electric council fire, Bobcat badges, certificates.

The Bobcat candidates and their parents stand within a circle of Cub Scouts and parents. The Cubmaster, standing at one side, faces them over the fire.

Cubmaster: You have come tonight seeking admission to the friendship and fun of Cub Scouting. You have attended a meeting of the den you expect to join. You have learned, along with your parents, those things necessary to become a Bobcat. Will you give the Cub Scout sign and repeat with me the Cub Scout Promise. (They do so.)

Parents, we welcome you. Cub Scouting is for the whole family. Fun and friendship within this circle come because we have all joined hands, Cub Scouts and parents, in order to make it so. As parents, you have certain responsibilities in Cub Scouting. We expect that you will attend the monthly pack meetings and work with your son on his achievements, approving them for him when satisfactorily completed. We will expect you to assist, when called upon along with the rest of the parents, in various leadership capacities. Will you accept this responsibility?

Parents: We will.

Cubmaster: Parents, please pin this Bobcat badge on your son making him an official Cub Scout. (Parents place pins on sons.) This privilege will be yours for each badge he earns. We expect that you will work as hard as he on some of the projects.' (Cubmaster presents membership cards.) Your boy is now starting up the Cub Scout trail. May you all be happy with us in this pack. Cub Scouts, what is your motto?

Cub Scouts: Do Your Best! (The Cubmaster gives each family the Cub Scout handshake and congratulations.)


This site was last updated 03/04/07